Alumni Survey 2008

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This questionnaire has been designed to provide the study program with your assessment and recommendations for improvement of the undergraduate degree program in Ocean Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

The information will be used to assist the department in revising the undergraduate curriculum and in support of the study program’s application for ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) accreditation in US of our BS degree program in October 2008.

Please provide any additional written comments that you wish at the end of the questionnaire. If you would like to provide additional input orally or by mail please contact Dr. Nita Yuanita at (022) 2509117 ext 117 or

You can access the questionnaire in 2 ways:

  1. Directly fill the questionnaire go to alumni survey 2008
  2. Download the questionnaire (in *.doc format), fill it offline and send it through email to To download the questionnaire, please right-click on this link and choose ’save target as’

Download 2008 questionnaire

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