Press Release – Akreditasi ABET Program Studi Teknik Kelautan ITB

Program Studi Teknik Kelautan (KL) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) memperoleh akreditasi internasional dari ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) Inc., USA.

ABET Inc. adalah badan akreditasi untuk program studi bidang rekayasa dan teknologi di USA. Semua program studi teknik terkemuka di USA diakreditasi oleh ABET. Didirikan sekitar tahun 1930-an, ABET adalah organisasi nirlaba independen (bukan badan pemerintah), sebuah federasi dari 32 ikatan ahli teknik profesional dan representasi dari sekitar 1.8 juta praktisi profesional. ABET mengakreditasi program studi bukan institusi.

Dengan diperolehnya akreditasi ABET, lulusan Program Studi Teknik Kelautan ITB lebih mudah mengisi kesempatan untuk bekerja di luar negeri. Lowongan pekerjaan untuk bidang teknik kelautan di USA mengutamakan lulusan dari program studi yang telah terakreditasi oleh ABET. Bahkan dari informasi yang kami peroleh, untuk beberapa negara bagian di USA, diperlukan waktu yang lebih panjang untuk mendapatkan sertifikat Professional Engineer (PE) bagi lulusan dari program studi yang belum terakreditasi ABET. Untuk bisa memperoleh posisi dan wewenang tertentu, pada beberapa perusahaan besar diutamakan engineer lulusan dari program studi yang sudah memperoleh akreditasi internasional.

Sebagai salah satu negara kelautan besar di dunia, Indonesia sudah mempunyai program studi di bidang teknik kelautan yang bertaraf internasional. Harapan kami adalah semoga Program Studi Teknik Kelautan ITB bisa menyediakan tenaga ahli kelautan yang handal untuk mengisi pembangunan bangsa dan negara tercinta kita Indonesia. Mudah-mudahan bangsa Indonesia ini kembali menjadi masyarakat maritim yang kuat. Masyarakat maritim yang kuat bukan hanya karena sumber daya alamnya yang berlimpah tapi didukung oleh generasi muda yang menguasai teknologi kelautan. Seperti kita ketahui semua, penjajah berhasil merubah bangsa bahari ini menjadi petani karena mereka menguasai teknologi kelautan. Saat ini kondisinya sudah lain, generasi muda Indonesia tidak hanya harus sanggup mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI tapi juga harus sanggup mengelola sumber daya laut berlimpah ini dengan menguasai teknologi kelautan. Kami tunggu partisipasi generasi muda dari Aceh sampai Merauke untuk mengisi peluang ini.

Usaha akreditasi ini dimulai pada tahun 2007. Selain sebagai Ketua Program Studi, kami meperoleh kesempatan melakukan kerjasama riset modeling tiga dimensi kualitas air laut dengan Hydroqual yang didanai oleh sebuah perusahaan tambang. Berkunjung ke New Jersey untuk sebuah meeting, kesempatan ini digunakan untuk mampir ke Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, menemui Prof. Malcolm Spaulding. Sambil bernostalgia waktu masih mahasiswa S3, Prof. Spaulding dengan murah hati menjelaskan tentang proses akreditasi ABET. Informasi penting ini kami gunakan sebagai titik tolak persiapan akreditasi ABET dan mendapat dukungan penuh dari seluruh dosen Teknik Kelautan ITB. Program Studi Teknik mulai menjalankan kegiatan akademik sesuai dengan kriteria akreditasi ABET.

Permohonan akreditasi ABET kami ajukan pada bulan Januari 2010, dilanjutkan dengan penyerahan Self-Study Report (SSR) pada bulan Juli 2010 yang berisikan laporan pelaksanaan masing-masing kriteria ABET di Program Studi Teknik Kelautan. Kunjungan assessor dari ABET terlaksana pada bulan Januari 2011, di mana assessor selama 3 hari melakukan verifikasi atas Self-Study Report tersebut, melalui pemeriksaan dokumen pendukung proses belajar mengajar (portofolio perkuliahan), peninjauan fasilitas Program Studi, dan tatap muka dengan pimpinan ITB,  pimpinan Fakultas, dosen, mahasiswa, alumni, dan Industrial Advisory Board.

Akreditasi ABET ini kami capai tanpa dukungan dana khusus dari pemerintah dalam mempersiapkan akreditasi ABET. Untuk memperoleh akreditasi internasional ini, negara tidak perlu menghamburkan dana untuk biaya studi banding dll. Selama kita memperoleh dukungan penuh dari dosen, alumni, industri, mahasiswa, staff dan institusi, akreditasi internasional ini bisa kita peroleh.

Dalam proses mendapatkan akreditasi ABET ini, jelas sekali bahwa hubungan erat antara Industri-Akademisi-Pemerintah sangat diperlukan. Keterlibatan akademisi di dunia industri, jelas sekali bisa menghasilkan prestasi yang luar biasa di negara kita ini.

Melalui Press Release ini. sebagai Ketua Tim Akreditasi ABET dan Program Studi Teknik Kelautan, saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada:

1. Rektor dan Wakil Rektor ITB
2. Ketua dan Sekretaris Satuan Penjaminan Mutu (SPM) ITB
3. Dosen Program Studi Teknik Kelautan:

  • Ir. Rildova Ph.D.
  • Dr. Nita Yuanita
  • Ir. Irsan Soemantri Brodjonegoro Ph.D.
  • Dr. Ir. Hendriyawan
  • Prof. Ir. Hang Tuah Ph.D.
  • Prof Ir. Ricky L. Tawekal
  • Ir. Krisnaldi Idris Ph.D.
  • Ir. Andojo Wurjanto Ph.D.
  • Ir. Harman Ajiwibowo Ph.D.
  • Dr. Ir. Sri Murti Adiyastuti
  • Dr. Ir. Syawaludin Hutahaean
  • Dr. Ir. Hendra Achiari
  • Ir. Hasan Bachri MEng.
  • Ir. Ahmad Mukhlis MT.

4. Prof. Malcolm Spaulding (University of Rhode Island)
5. Prof. William McDougal (Oregon State University)
6. Anggota Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Teknik Kelautan ITB:

  • Gde Pradnyana
  • Wisnu Mustapha
  • Djuhair Hasan
  • Saptono R Irianto
  • Murni Jaya Wargadalam
  • Wisnu Susetyo

7. Dekan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan:

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprihanto Notodarmojo (2011-sekarang)
  • Dr. Ir. Saptahari Sugiri (2010 -2011)
  • Dr. Ir. Puti F. Tamin (2006-2010)

8. Tata Usaha, Teknisi Laboratorium, dan Asisten Akademik Prodi KL ITB (Epong, Lina, Aep, Isep, Yayat, Eko Charnius ST)
9. Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Kelautan ITB (KMKL)
10. Alumni Teknik Kelautan ITB (ALKA)

0 komentar untuk “Press Release – Akreditasi ABET Program Studi Teknik Kelautan ITB”

  1. Mifepristone, also recognized as RU-486, is a consequence that is inured to for medical abortion. It was developed in the 1980s via French scientists and has been approved instead of use in uncountable countries, including the United States.

    Mifepristone acts as an antiprogesterone, which means that it blocks the engagement of progesterone, a hormone that is needed to profess pregnancy. The medicine causes fetal dismissal and leads to abortion. As common it is entranced together with another medication called misoprostol, which helps alacrity up and correct treat of abortion.

    Mifepristone has its own side effects, which may comprehend nausea, vomiting, migraines, bleeding and diarrhea. In some cases, professional medical intervention may be required if complications occur.

    Notwithstanding the occurrence that mifepristone is considered Acheter Mifegyne en ligne a non-hazardous and operative method of abortion, it still causes a piles of discussion and contention among the available and medical specialists. Some people study it a within easy reach and more attractive other habit of abortion, when how others panic-stricken of its reasonable risks and refusing consequences.

    Blanket, mifepristone is an substantial avenue in the arsenal of medical techniques through despite terminating a pregnancy. It gives women pick and domination over their bodies. It is weighty that every woman about with a medical efficient all conceivable options and risks preceding the time when deciding to come to an end a pregnancy with mifepristone.

    Komentar Anda menunggu moderasi.

  2. Mifepristone, also recognized as RU-486, is a outcome that is inured to for medical abortion. It was developed in the 1980s alongside French scientists and has been approved for consume in diverse countries, including the United States.

    Mifepristone acts as an antiprogesterone, which means that it blocks the vitality of progesterone, a hormone that is needed to prolong pregnancy. The drug causes fetal rejection and leads to abortion. As common it is charmed together with another medication called misoprostol, which helps speed up and improve development of abortion.

    Mifepristone has its own side effects, which may comprehend nausea, vomiting, migraines, bleeding and diarrhea. In some cases, professional medical intervention may be required if complications occur.

    Despite the occurrence that mifepristone is considered Acheter Mifegyne en ligne a non-hazardous and remarkable method of abortion, it peaceful causes a lot of discussion and contention quantity the open and medical specialists. Some people study it a close at hand and more handsome other feeling of abortion, when how others panic-stricken of its workable risks and adversary consequences.

    Overall, mifepristone is an noteworthy tool in the arsenal of medical techniques in support of terminating a pregnancy. It gives women select and restraint over their bodies. It is substantial that every mate talk over with a medical professional all reachable options and risks in advance deciding to end a pregnancy with mifepristone.

    Komentar Anda menunggu moderasi.

  3. Mifepristone, also recognized as RU-486, is a outcome that is used for medical abortion. It was developed in the 1980s via French scientists and has been approved instead of consume in many countries, including the Shared States.

    Mifepristone acts as an antiprogesterone, which means that it blocks the action of progesterone, a hormone that is needed to profess pregnancy. The medicine causes fetal cold shoulder and leads to abortion. As stock it is charmed together with another medication called misoprostol, which helps speed up and correct development of abortion.

    Mifepristone has its own side effects, which may include nausea, vomiting, migraines, bleeding and diarrhea. In some cases, professional medical intervention may be required if complications occur.

    Without considering the certainty that mifepristone is considered Acheter Mifegyne en ligne a non-hazardous and useful method of abortion, it still causes a lot of chin-wag and contention centre of the open and medical specialists. Some people study it a close at hand and more alluring other way of abortion, when how others cowardly of its attainable risks and negative consequences.

    Whole, mifepristone is an important means in the arsenal of medical techniques in support of terminating a pregnancy. It gives women pick and control over their bodies. It is substantial that every bit of fluff deliberate over with a medical practised all conceivable options and risks before deciding to end a pregnancy with mifepristone.

    Komentar Anda menunggu moderasi.

  4. Mifepristone, also recognized as RU-486, is a product that is inured to for the purpose medical abortion. It was developed in the 1980s via French scientists and has been approved someone is concerned exigency execrate in uncountable countries, including the Combined States.

    Mifepristone acts as an antiprogesterone, which means that it blocks the enterprise of progesterone, a hormone that is needed to maintain pregnancy. The upper causes fetal turn-down and leads to abortion. As stock it is taken together with another narcotize called misoprostol, which helps dispatch up and uplift process of abortion.

    Mifepristone has its own side effects, which may list nausea, vomiting, migraines, bleeding and diarrhea. In some cases, qualified medical intervention may be required if complications occur.

    Despite the actuality that mifepristone is considered Acheter Mifegyne en ligne a non-hazardous and useful method of abortion, it stillness causes a lot of dialogue and argument volume the open and medical specialists. Some people observe it a close at hand and more captivating other way of abortion, when how others cowardly of its workable risks and adversary consequences.

    Whole, mifepristone is an high-level mechanism in the arsenal of medical techniques for terminating a pregnancy. It gives women pick and domination over with their bodies. It is important that every bit of fluff discuss with a medical professional all credible options and risks in advance deciding to terminate a pregnancy with mifepristone.

    Komentar Anda menunggu moderasi.

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